Tuesday, October 26, 2010

cause and effect essayy ya diggg?

            Poverty is an ongoing thing that is experienced by people all around the world today. Nearly thirty seven million people live under the poverty line in America. This number has been increasing greatly every year since the government started keeping track of the number of people under the poverty line in 1975). This poverty line or poverty threshold was developed by Mollie Orshansky in 1963. The poverty line is a way to measure the minimal level of income said to be necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living (Fisher). Every year this poverty line is updated by the Census Breuer to change it as standards or living costs go up or down through the years. The poverty line varies from the amount of people in the house hold. For example a family with three people, the poverty line yearly income is at $18,310, where for a single person it is $10,830 for the year 2010 (Poverty guidelines). There are many cause that lead to poverty, some of the top causes in America are, drug abuse, medical bills and lack of education.
            Having a lack of education has a major impact on poverty. Nelson Mandela stated that, "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world" (Poverty). Education is very important and plays a crucial role in getting a job, or learning new skills, or just advancing in knowledge. A lot of people that fall under the poverty line fail to complete high school or move on to further education at a college or school after high school. It is said that people with a high school education or less than a high school education are to expect a $16,000 to $24,000 income a year. Depending on their family size, these people with the lack of education could fall under the poverty line (“Poverty Causes and Effects”). These people with the lack of education don’t have the educational requirements for higher paying jobs. Working at minimum wage jobs is where these people in poverty will more than likely be at. Working at a low paying job causes the people under the poverty line to be poor because simply their income is not enough to have that adequate standard of living the poverty line measures. These people considered to be in poverty will struggle to afford food, transportation, housing and other necessities in life.
            Medical bills have caused many Americans to fall into poverty. When a person or a family member becomes ill or sick with a severe diagnosis, the treatments, care or operations for the illness costs a lot of money. A study conducted at Harvard University showed that the average debt a cancer patient in America faces, with insurance, is $35,878. And that is only at the start of their illness (Martin). In order to survive or to just try and take care of the illness the payments must be made. This causes the patient to be short in money for the other need in life and to fall into debt. In 2001 study called “Health Affairs”, stated that half of the 1,458,000 bankruptcies that year were caused by illnesses and medical bills (Medical Bills). These factors unfortunately push the person or family under the poverty line.
            Drug abuse is said to be the number one cause of poverty. These people involved with drug abuse end up losing their jobs because of their addictions. Not all drug abusers are poor or homeless but people in poverty are more likely to be involved in and have drug and alcohol problems (Poverty in America). These drug abusers end up spending all their money to support their habits causing them to fall into poverty. Many of these drug abusers go on welfare to be able to at least have some money for food, but many of these drug users end up using the welfare to buy their drugs.  Drug abusers slowly fall into a down ward spiral using all their money and doing whatever it takes to but their drug fix, pushing them into poverty (MorĂ©).
            Lack of education, medical bills and drug abuse have caused people all over America to fall under the poverty line. About half of the public say poor people are just lazy and don’t do enough to get themselves out of poverty, but there is more it. There are people in poverty who are not doing enough to get out of poverty and some people in poverty are just faced with different situations and problems that cause them to be in poverty (Poverty in America).

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

ideas for essay

What are the causes of poverty? top causes? what is considered poor? what kind of people are living in poverty? Where do these poor people live? Whats the life style of a person in poverty?

35.9 million people in america live below the poverty line.
12.9 million children
Poverty line is the minimal level deemed necessary to live an adequete standard of living.
Differs from the amout of people in family
Top causes: Drug abuse, Medical bills(illness), Job shortage( low wages, lack of education).
Homeless is the extreame of poverty

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cause and effect essay idea

The word "begging" is in my song. I am taking the concept of poverty out of begging. I am going to look at the causes of what leads to poverty.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

rough draftttt

Carry on
            Considered to be one of, or if not the best basketball player in history, Michael Jordan in his sophomore year did not make the basketball team. Michael didn’t give up and chose to carry on. He later made the varsity team and helped lead the team to win a state championship. Michael went from a short kid who couldn’t even make the basketball team, to now, one of the best, most acknowledged players to ever play in the NBA. Michael has won 6 NBA championship titles, 5 MVP trophies, and 2 Olympic gold medals in his career (Inspirational Quotes). Michael was able to achieve all this by carrying on and not quitting. The concept behind “carrying on” is to pursue, to chase, and to push through whatever obstacles come in the way and do whatever it takes to succeed. Carrying on can be dealt with in many situations in life, emotionally, physically and also a big one, financially carrying on. 
            In life people go through and experience many different feelings and thoughts. This is all part of the emotional well being in one’s life. Emotionally carrying on can be a huge benefit in emotionally having a better life. People face hard times such as when family members pass away or a break up in a relationship occurs. Things like death and break ups can really affect a person emotionally. If one decided to quit or just give up when dealing with or moving past these tough situations, it can lead to severe depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts (Medicine Net). Suicide is the third leading cause of death in people aged 15 to 24 (Teen Suicide). Most of the causes are from emotional troubles. If a person chooses to carry on in tough emotional situations, better things will come from it. Carrying on will also help the person to move on with life and make them a stronger person in the future ahead of them. A person can recover and learn from their emotional troubles, and turn the negative emotions into positive, up lifting emotions and thoughts.
            There have been many great success stories with carrying on physically. Michael Jordan and other great sports stars have been living proof of what carrying on physically can do for you. When a person wants to get faster or stronger or become healthier, and choose to quit or give up, the person will not be successful in achieving any of it. The person will not see any positive gains, and will more than likely fail at whatever goal the person is trying to reach. When a person decides to carry on in physical situations, success is the only thing going their way. In order to do so, one must push through the pain and run or lift heavier weights or eat healthy food. Also dealing with physical pain, a person can carry on and make efforts to fix the pain by stretching, exercising or recovering from surgery.           
            A topic highly conversed about in the world is finances. Finances or money is what runs the world today. Without money, it is difficult to live or do much in the world today. When people carry on financially great things can also come from doing so. When people quit or give up financially, it leads to people becoming unhappy or unsatisfied. There are people, who are happy with having little to no money, but that’s their choice. For the majority of people, having more money can help buy the things they want such as cars, houses, clothes or any other desired items. Financially carrying on by working harder or working two jobs or saving money is what is needed to meet the wants of a person. Carrying on instead of quitting financially, can help a person get what they want or dream of having.
            Carrying on is all up to the individual. To choose to carry on or quit, is all in the mind. Carrying on has lead to the success of many people who have chosen to do so. Successful and happy people don’t get to where they are by quitting or giving up. The successors carried on and pushed through whatever was thrown their way. The decision to carry on can be life changing for many people. For others it may just be simple by feeling happier or feeling better about themselves emotionally or physically. Whichever way a person chooses to carry on, it will lead to success and to better out comes.